One of the biggest questions I get from people when they are asking about the Paleo lifestyle is always about the grains. I mean… haven’t we been eating grains for thousands of years? In fact yes, we have been eating grains for some time now. But does that really mean grains are okay to eat? We obviously say no.
Why do we say to avoid grains?
This topic is a pretty hot one. Besides the countless people who have come out with their personal stories of what going grain-free has done for them (more energy, better skin, lessening symptoms for multiple diseases, etc etc) even Doctors are now coming out saying that it’s healthier to be grain-free and recommending this way of eating to their clients.
We at Primalhub have our own success stories of what going grain-free has done for us as well, which is why we have pulled together some great articles on how a grain-free diet might benefit you.
The Amazing Brain Benefits of Going Grain-Free
Who doesn’t want their brain to be healthier and work better? Rodale News goes over some pretty incredible reasons why you should be going grain-free. Read the article here.
How Grains Are Killing You Slowly
We love the Wellness Mama’s take on grains and her breakdown on what those grains actually do to your body. Read the article here.
Top 8 Most Common Reactions to Your Grain-Free Diet (and How to Respond)
Mark gives a great article to prepare those that are ready to go grain-free and how to respond to all the questions that come along with that. Read the article here.
So what do you think? Are you ready to go grain-free?