Is the Paleo Diet Scientifically Supported

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Is The Paleo Diet Scientifically Supported #paleo #diet #health #science #healthylivingMany people are turning to the Paleo diet these days – it’s no wonder when you hear so many positive stories from those that are eating in this lifestyle. That being said – is there more to this Paleo diet then just people’s good stories? Take a look at what Mark’s Daily Apple says on if the Paleo Diet is Scientifically Supported.

Find the article by Mark’s Daily Apple on the Science Behind the Paleo Diet. 

Can You Eat Too Much Protein?

Let’s face it – while following the Paleo lifestyle we tend to have a higher protein diet than others. In fact many people think that is the main focus of the Paleo diet – meat, meat, meat. On Paleo we strive to get our carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits and our protein from animal sources (along with some good and healthy fats). While yes meat is important and a great way to get some healthy protein, the bigger part of the Paleo diet is selecting high-quality, unprocessed, real food while getting rid of foods the body struggles to handle like gluten, grains, dairy, legumes, sugars and food additives.

Can You Eat Too Much Protein?

With all that said there clearly is more protein being consumed than your typical diet so you might find yourself wondering if you can in fact eat too much protein. Well, the simple answer is yes. Let’s face it, you can have too much of just about anything – even water. So when it comes right down to it you can have too much protein and if you do get to the point of protein toxicity it can have some large impacts on your health.

How Much Protein is Too Much?

But where is that line? Are you in fact eating too much protein? How much is too much? This is a pretty big topic of late – party due to the popularity the Paleo lifestyle is gaining. Unfortunately due to differences in weight, caloric intake, and other lifestyle factors there isn’t just one specific number we can give. From some sources you will see that your threshold for protein is 30-35% of your calorie intake, while others say you should only be consuming .4 grams of protein per pound of your bodyweight and then you have yet another category stating protein intake is related to your fitness activity.

So that leads us back to our question of how much is too much. The Paleo lifestyle recommends good quality proteins that leave you satiated. Paleo recommends including protein in each of your meals but the “how much” as you can see is dependent on you, your size, your calorie intake, and your fitness level.

Most likely if you are feeling physically fit, healthy, hydrated, and keeping a good healthy weight you are doing just fine as far as your protein levels.  If you really are worried about your health or that you might be consuming too much protein you should always speak with a nutritionist or doctor. In the mean time you can also take a look at a few of these resources:

Paleo and Protein

How Much Protein Is Too Much With Paleo

3 Signs You Could Be Eating Too Much Protein

Calcium with a Paleo Lifestyle

There seems to be a few questions that will always come up when you start talking about the Paleo lifestyle to someone who hasn’t been introduced to it before. From “How do you get any fiber?” to “What do you even eat?” I’m sure you’ve heard it all. One of the more common statements I hear though is how, without dairy, someone eating Paleo must be deficient in calcium. Let’s face it… in our society when you hear about calcium you think about milk or dairy foods first and then most likely think about bone health right after.

What Does Calcium Do Anyways

Most of us when we think of calcium we think of it makes our bones strong, and while yes it does help out with this, calcium does even more. Calcium helps with things like muscle contraction, blood coagulation as well as plays a role in releasing hormones and enzymes.

So yes – calcium is important to our health and should be something we make sure to have in our nutrition and diet..

Bone Health While Eating Paleo

While so many are focused on calcium itself to help with bone health there are many different sources that can actually do more for your bones then that glass of milk you may be craving. For example starting with those wonderful fat soluble vitamins the Paleo lifestyle is so known for – vitamin A, D, and K2. These vitamins are great for promoting bone health and actually ensure proper absorption and utilization of the calcium we eat.

Besides those vitamins we stress so much in the Paleo lifestyle, one other source can help with your bone health (whether you eat Paleo or not) and that is a mineral called Magnesium. Magnesium is essential for bone health and being deficient in magnesium is actually a known risk factor for osteoporosis.

So while it is important to get that ever worried about calcium intake, you can see that there are other factors that go into bone health that we should consider too.

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium

If you are still worried about your calcium intake while eating Paleo, you can stop. There are quite a few different food sources that offer a big calcium punch that will still leave you clear of dairy products. From Sesame seeds, sardines, turnip greens, almonds, cabbage, broccoli, oranges, mustard greens, and more. Many leafy greens (which are highly promoted in the Paleo lifestyle) have more calcium per serving than your typical dairy products. For a great list of foods and their calcium break down take a look at this chart here

As you can see there is no need to fear for your bones while eating a Paleo lifestyle. Yes you are cutting out dairy and grains that many people feel are so needed for your bone health… but you are adding in important fat soluble vitamins, healthy minerals, and other sources of calcium that you should easily be hitting that daily recommended amount of calcium. All the while – sticking to that healthy Paleo lifestyle!


The Best Stretches To Do After Running (VIDEO)

Running is a great and inexpensive form of exercise and almost everyone can do it because there is no equipment needed! But have you noticed that it seems quite a few people get injured from this seemingly easy exercise?

Why do I hurt so bad after a run?

One of the biggest problems with running is the fact that everyone can do it. Simply because it doesn’t require equipment does not necessarily mean it’s easy to do. If you plan on doing a big run (or even a small run) it’s important to be familiar with proper techniques that can keep us from hurting ourselves (i.e. not heel striking). While we could discuss running technique for days, today we are going to focus on what you can do after your run to help prevent injury. 

What to do after a run.

Yes you heard me right – what you do after you run is just as important as what you do before and during your run. So to help yourself improve your running, stay healthy, and be injury free – make sure to familiarize yourself with some stretches you can do once you finish up that run.

Here is a great video by Runtastic Fitness to get you started on those post-run stretches

How a Grain-Free Diet Might Benefit You

One of the biggest questions I get from people when they are asking about the Paleo lifestyle is always about the grains. I mean… haven’t we been eating grains for thousands of years? In fact yes, we have been eating grains for some time now. But does that really mean grains are okay to eat? We obviously say no.

Why do we say to avoid grains?

This topic is a pretty hot one. Besides the countless people who have come out with their personal stories of what going grain-free has done for them (more energy, better skin, lessening symptoms for multiple diseases, etc etc) even Doctors are now coming out saying that it’s healthier to be grain-free and recommending this way of eating to their clients.

We at Primalhub have our own success stories of what going grain-free has done for us as well, which is why we have pulled together some great articles on how a grain-free diet might benefit you.

The Amazing Brain Benefits of Going Grain-Free

Who doesn’t want their brain to be healthier and work better? Rodale News goes over some pretty incredible reasons why you should be going grain-free. Read the article here.

How Grains Are Killing You Slowly

We love the Wellness Mama’s take on grains and her breakdown on what those grains actually do to your body. Read the article here.

Top 8 Most Common Reactions to Your Grain-Free Diet (and How to Respond)

Mark gives a great article to prepare those that are ready to go grain-free and how to respond to all the questions that come along with that. Read the article here.

So what do you think? Are you ready to go grain-free?

What does the 80/20 rule look like?

When you start to follow the Paleo lifestyle you may hear some common terms that you hadn’t heard before. One of these terms is the  “80/20 rule”. You’ll hear conversations and statements such as “I don’t eat Paleo 100% of the time… more like 80 percent of the time”.

What does this mean exactly? Does someone somewhere have some formula we don’t know about? Something that can calculate exactly what you can and can’t eat and for how many days or hours? Or is 80/20 rule more linked to specific foods – where 80 percent of the foods you eat are Paleo and 20 percent of them are not?

How does one really know what 80/20 is?

While hearing about the 80/20 rule may be common… it’s clear that the meaning of the rule is not really known. While the exact definition of 80/20 isn’t really known there are some pretty strong opinions on the matter. You will hear from some people that going 80/20 is the only way to stick to the Paleo lifestyle, while others claim eating 80/20 while on the Paleo diet is a complete disaster.

How can people have such strong opinions about something that seems undefinable?

In the end I think it all comes down to you as an individual. What are your goals? What are you wanting this new food lifestyle to do to your life?

For some of us here at Primal Hub the 80/20 rule simply means to not stress the off days. Let’s face it, no one is perfect… and who really wants to be perfect? Perfect can be boring. 80/20 means trying your hardest to eat the right foods for your body and follow those Paleo guidelines whenever possible… but to also not stress so much about food that your relationship with food becomes unhealthy. When you are at a party with no Paleo options, or you want to go to your favorite restaurant with your friends you can do so.

If you want to decide if 80/20 is for you and what that exactly means, do your research, sit down and make your decision. Here are a few great articles to get you started.

Why We Are 20% Not So Paleo

Thinking the 80/20 rule sounds like the way you want to go? The Paleo Mama shares her’s and her family’s story on why they don’t go 100% Paleo and call themselves an 80/20 Paleo family. Read more here.

Why 80/20 Paleo is a Recipe for Disaster

For those that the 80/20 Paleo rule doesn’t seem to make sense take a look at what The Paleo Living Magazine has to say about it and why they feel it’s not the right thing to do. Read more here.

What’s Your Paleo Percentage?

Not sure where you stand with this crazy 80/20 rule? Don’t worry – Robb Wolf isn’t sure about it either. Take a look at what he has to say on what your Paleo percentage really is? Read more here.

20 Paleo Tips From the Experts

Many people who are new to Paleo eating struggle in the beginning. It’s no wonder – coming from a world of eating processed and unnatural foods and switching to all natural paleo approved foods, it can be a bit overwhelming. So for those that are struggling or just starting out on the Paleo lifestyle, take a look at these 20 Paleo tips to help you along your way.

1. Meal Planning.

This one seems pretty simple but it is probably the biggest issue many run into. If you plan your meals ahead of time (I like to do meal prep one week at a time) then you are less likely to go out to eat or fix something unhealthy. Planning what meals you will be eating takes away the stress and time of making the decision after a long day.

2. Meal Prep.

Hand in hand with meal planning is meal preparation. Whether this is cutting up vegetables or meat that you will be using for the week, making breakfasts that you can store in the fridge and grab when you are on the go in the morning. Making sure you are prepared for a meal helps keep you on track.

3. Read Labels.

Being aware of what is actually in your food is half the battle. Sadly we live in an age where sugar or artificial ingredients are added to all sorts of foods. Become familiar with what is good and what is not and read every label. If there are ingredients you don’t recognize or can’t pronounce, then it’s likely that it’s processed and shouldn’t go into your body.

4. Have a Well Stocked Fridge.

It seems simple but – if you have healthy foods in your home, you are more likely to eat healthy foods. Keep your fridge and pantry filled with healthy and real food!

5. Remove all Temptations.

Again it seems obvious, but remove all those temptations! The biggest step you can take towards sticking with Paleo is removing all those foods that go against what the Paleo lifestyle is about. If they are in your house that means you are willing to eat them at some point… if you aren’t willing to eat them, then get rid of them!

6. Phase Out Food Slowly.

If getting rid of everything all at once seems a bit much then try phasing out those bad foods slowly. Start with sugars, then dairy, then beans, then grains… etc etc. Going little by little can make it seem less scary and less daunting of a task.

7. Join a Community.

This is a big one! It’s always easier to stick to something if you are doing it with others. Join some type of community – whether a facebook group or a blog to follow. Become apart of something that can hold you accountable and encourage you when you struggle.

8. Do Your Research.

Read up on the Paleo diet. Get books, read articles, etc. Knowing the ‘why’ helps you keep up on the lifestyle – especially when you get questioned by others.

9. Learn to Cook!

I’m always surprised by people who don’t realize that some effort has to go into eating healthy. You will have to cook so the sooner you learn to cook the better. Practice makes perfect. Experiment with spices and techniques. And of course – make sure to have fun with it!

10. Try New Recipes Regularly.

Many people get stuck cooking the same few recipes over and over again. This can become boring and before you know it you are falling off the wagon because you just can’t have that Sweet Potato Hash again. Set yourself a goal – try one or two new recipes each week!

11. Organize Recipes.

Keep your recipes organized. Whether on a spreadsheet or on index cards… find a method that works for you. When you don’t like a recipe – toss it out. When you do like a recipe make sure to add it to your list, and maybe even add in some notes to remind you what each recipe is like. Staying organized will help you stay on track and have a lot of different ideas on hand for when you are stumped about what to cook for the week.

12. Leftovers, Leftovers, Leftovers.

If you weren’t into leftovers before then now is your time. Leftovers are a great way to eat healthy all day long. Cook a big enough dinner so you have enough to have lunch the next day. This will make it so you don’t have to spend more time prepping and cooking another meal, and also keep you on track whenever everyone else in the office is going out to grab fast food.

13. Learn Your Freezer is Your Friend.

Whether it’s chopped vegetables, meat, or pre-prepared meals your freezer can be a great friend to you. From making crockpot meals in advance for emergency meals or for freezing leftovers for a later day, learn to use your freezer!

14. Eggs for Days!

Eggs are your friends. Make sure to always keep some eggs in your fridge. Eggs are a great and easy way to get a healthy meal in with very little prep, time, or energy. Learn a few different egg recipes to keep things fresh!

15. Snack Smartly.

We all get snacky or hit by that sweet tooth. Making healthy and paleo approved snacks in advance is a great way to keep you from caving to that ding-dong in the vending machine. Whether it’s dark chocolate covered banana bites or your favorite grain free pumpkin muffin, have a few snacks cooked up and prepared around the house is perfect for those days you just need something a little extra.

16. Make Your Choices Before You Need To.

Eating Paleo doesn’t mean you can’t socialize or go out with friends. Just make sure to have your decision about how you will eat or drink before you go out. If you want to take a little cheat and have a drink with your friends, that’s fine – just decide how much or little before you go out. Make your choices before you are presented them to your face can help you stay strong and not feel like you are giving up on things, but rather choosing not to eat or drink them.

17. Get Others on Board.

Whether it’s your family or roommate, getting someone else you know personally on board can be a great help. Plus if they are someone you live with, getting them on board can help with getting rid of those unhealthy foods that might tempt you.

18. Change Your Wording.

It may seem silly, but the mind has a lot to do with how we eat. Stop phrasing it as a ‘Diet’ and instead think of it as a ‘lifestyle’. Rather than saying ‘I can’t eat that’ instead say ‘I’m choosing not to eat that’. Simple things like this can help you stay positive about your choices and gives you the power over the food.

19. Be Forgiving.

Understand we aren’t all perfect. There will be days you struggle, there will be days you cheat or fall off the wagon. It will happen. What you need to make sure doesn’t happen is that just because you aren’t perfect means you throw in the towel for good. Get back on board and start again!

20. Just Do It!

If you have been thinking about it but still haven’t gotten on board now is your time. There is no better day than today. Don’t wait until Monday, don’t wait until after the holidays… just do it. Just start so you can be a healthier version of you as soon as possible!




Getting Enough Carbs for the Paleo Athlete

Going Paleo is a great health and food style for most people – of course we are all different and what works great for one might not be the best for another. One common issue that people seem to struggle with while on the Paleo diet is getting enough carbohydrates – especially if that person is extremely active.

Wait, aren’t you NOT supposed to have carbs while eating Paleo? Wrong! Your body does in fact need carbs – it just needs the right kinds of carbs.

What Exactly is the Right Amount of Carbs?  

Again, we are all different. What works for one might not work for another. Figure out what works for you, what can help achieve your goals  and what makes you feel your best.

Here is a great article, by On Diet and Health, about getting enough carbs while eon the Paleo diet.

How Do I Incorporate Them into the Paleo Diet?

This is the part that many struggle with. Luckily there are quite a few healthy, real, and Paleo friendly foods you can add into your diet to get those carbs you need! From broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and more!

For a great breakdown and list of Paleo friendly carbohydrates take a look at the Paleo Zone Nutrition’s article here.

What are your favorite foods to eat to give you a boost in carbs?

Why You Feel Tired Eating Paleo

So you are new to Paleo! You’ve heard all about the reasons to eat Paleo and you are finally on board. You’re excited to eat healthy, feel healthy, and have all sorts of new energy… But for some reason now that you have started you don’t have that boundless energy so many talk about.

Why do you not have energy and feel so tired now that you have started eating the Paleo way?

You aren’t the only one to ask this question. While many will immediately feel the benefits of eating Paleo some aren’t so lucky.

So why do you feel the crash?

Well let’s start with the obvious… many people are in a major detox when they first start to eat Paleo. Quitting unhealthy carbs, processed sugars, and junk food can cause quite a stir to your body. It can take your body a few weeks to adjust and get through this detox period.

With that said quitting those unhealthy carbs means many people are not getting enough carbs when they switch to a Paleo diet. Many people think that they aren’t supposed to eat any carbs period, but that isn’t the case… you just need to eat the right carbs. Starchy veggies like sweet potatoes and squash are a great place to get some extra carbs in. And if healthy starches aren’t quite cutting it for you, try easing into the Paleo diet rather then going cold turkey.

Lastly if you still seem to be struggling with energy after your detox period is over and you’ve found the right balance of carbs… it could be you simply are not eating enough calories or fats. Luckily with the Paleo diet there is no such thing as counting calories or restrictions on healthy real foods. You can and should eat until you are full – and those healthy fats are encouraged. Make sure you are getting your fill of calories and healthy fats to help boost that energy each day.

Here are a couple of articles we recommend reading if you are one of those struggling with energy while on the Paleo diet: 

Why Do I Have No Energy On Paleo?

This is a great article that goes through some different reasons on why you are feeling so tired while eating Paleo. Read the full article here.

Paleo for the Active Person

For those that are very active and can’t muster up the energy they need to keep up that active lifestyle when they eat Paleo – this article is the one for you. Read the full article here.

If you still struggle with energy it could be coming down to something more serious like a nutrient deficiency… make sure to talk to your health care professional if you are worried about your energy levels.



20 Benefits of Eating Paleo

There are many times as a Paleo eater that I’ll get asked “why Paleo?”, to which I will usually reply with a generic “it makes me feel better” or “it keeps me healthy”. Most people this is all the answer they want, but others want more. Why do we choose to eat this way? What are the benefits of eating Paleo? There are quite a few benefits, but let’s start with these 20.

1. Puts a Stop to Junk Food
In one swoop, starting the Paleo diet puts a stop to junk food. It’s not about how much sugar is in your favorite treat, or how many calories it has… if it’s junk, it doesn’t go in your body. Putting a stop to junk food for good improves your health and well-being dramatically. Plus putting a stop to that junk food puts a stop to spending money on food that does nothing for your body. Take that cash you save and put it towards real food… or a new pair of shoes.

2. Balances Blood Glucose Levels
This is a big one for most Paleo eaters… it’s the basic science behind this new (or old) way of eating. Avoid those refined sugars helps you to easily avoid spikes in your blood glucose levels, which helps lessen fatigue and can help with weight loss. 

3. Keeps You Away from Wheat and Gluten
Now a days, due to many studies coming out suggesting gluten is problematic for the digestive system, many people are starting to go gluten-free. Luckily with the Paleo diet it basically includes a gluten-free lifestyle as well. Cutting out gluten can help keep your digestion system healthy and going strong. 

4. No Counting Required
How many times have you started a diet or eating style only to get tired of all the counting? From calories or points or what ever else you may be having to count it can be exhausting and hard to keep up. The Paleo diet is simple and easy to follow – as long as you are eating real and healthy foods that fall under the Paleo diet then you are good to go. 

5. Helps You Feel Fuller Longer
One issue many have with other diets is the fact that they focus more on “how much” rather then “what”. This can lead to you still feeling hungry right after you’ve eaten… or make you hungry shortly after you’ve eaten. These hunger pains can lead to falling off the wagon or binge eating. With Paleo it allows you to focus on healthy foods and actually eating when you are hungry. Plus the focus on healthy fats, rich proteins, as well as vegetables helps you keep that full feeling and avoid food cravings. 

6. Increases Your Intake of Healthy Fats
Along with keeping you feeling fut all those healthy fats are just that – healthy. It is a hard concept for some people to understand in our day and age of “fat-free” food items, but our bodies really do need fats! Just the right kind of fats. Luckily going Paleo will include all those healthy fats that your body needs and that actually help you burn fat and lose weight. 

7. Lean Muscle Mass
Who doesn’t want to be strong? Luckily since the Paleo diet relies heavily on meat you will always be getting your fair amount of protein to feed those muscles. This leads to promoting a leaner physique and helps muscle growth if coupled with weightlifting. Who doesn’t want to be a lean, mean, fighting machine?

8. Avoids Processed Foods and Ingredients
Along with getting rid of junk food it helps get rid of all those hidden unhealthy foods. Many “health” foods these days carry along with them a lot of processed junk… Going Paleo helps you learn how to read labels and ingredients to really know what is good and what is bad. Avoiding processed foods help you stay away from GMO’s and other harmful substances that shouldn’t go into our bodies.

9.  Avoids Fast Food
Along the same lines of avoiding junk food you will also avoid fast food. The health benefits of not eating fast food alone are found in countless journals, studies, and articles across the board. For most of us it’s pretty common sense though… fast food is bad food and staying away from it automatically helps increase your health. 

10. Cuts our Empty Carbs and Calories
There are a lot of foods out there that are filled with nothing but empty carbs and bad calories. – one of the most common of these are drinks. Sports drinks, juices, soda, and energy drinks… all these beverages are filled with sugar and chemicals that are not good for our bodies. For many just cutting out these empty carb sources helps result in weight loss, feeling better, and better energy. With eating Paleo every carb and calorie you put into your body serves a purpose and helps your body in a positive way. 

11. Helps Prevent Diseases
It’s a pretty easy jump from avoiding toxins and junk food to preventing disease. Plus all the anti-inflammatory foods and antioxidants you will be eating help ward of and prevent many diseases. A more natural you is always going to be a healthier you when it comes to food.

12. Helps You Sleep Better
Who doesn’t want to sleep better each night? Paleo can help you achieve this. By cutting out those chemicals and additives found in many food sources these days actually helps your body release serotonin in your brain without being overridden by other chemicals found in bad foods, thus making your body get tired naturally and sleep better and deeper.

13. More Energy
Obviously with better sleep comes more energy, but combine that with Paleo approved foods that are balanced and filled with healthy nutrients and you will feel like the energizer bunny. Going Paleo means eating real foods whenever you are hungry which means you don’t run the risk of running low on fuel and will feel energized longer. 

 14. Reduced Bloat (and gas)
Eating Paleo means eating lots of natural and healthy fibers which can be a big help in decreasing that bloated feeling that many feel eating a regular or Western diet. Who doesn’t want to feel more comfortable and less bloated?

15. Provides Detoxing Effects
Overall the Paleo lifestyle provides a great detoxifying effect on the body. Saying goodbye to trans fat, MSG, caffeine, refined sugars, gluten, and more gives your body a rest all the while you are increasing antioxidants, fiber, and other important nutrients! Many people claim to feel lighter and more clear headed while eating Paleo too!

16. Increases Your Intake of Fruits and Vegetables
How often have you heard parents across the world say “eat your vegetables”. Of course when kids other options are all hyped up on processed sugars and ingredients it’s hard to have them get those fruits and vegetables in. Eating Paleo helps eliminate cravings for poor food options and you’ll soon find yourself loving those fruits and veggies.

17. Weight Loss
Many people with the New Year are focused on their new goals… which almost always includes weight loss. Going Paleo makes weight loss much more effortless. By simply switching the types of foods you eat you will notice that unhealthy weight  slipping off. When you shift your focus from having to lose weight and feeling guilty about the foods you’re eating, you’ll notice that eating becaomse fun again, making it easier to maintain. 

18. Brain Power
Paleo has a bit focus on foods that are willed with healthy omega 3 fatty acids which many people are lacking in these days. These omega 3 fatty acids are known to contain DHA which is not only great for your brain development but also good for your eyes and heart too!

19. Circle of Life
Going Paleo really tries to promote eating pasture-raised meats and eggs. This means that animals are truly able to roam in grass for their entire lives. This natural diet is great for the animals as well as helping to serve us with a long list of nutrients when we eat those animals. It’s the circle of life at its finest.

20. Keeps Things Simple
Probably one of my most favorite things about the Paleo diet is that it’s simple. Paleo makes it easy to make the right choices and not feel like your whole life revolves around food. Paleo helps you eat to live not the other way around. Eat real food. It’s just that simple.


So there you have it. 20 wonderful reasons why we should all be striving to eat Paleo. What would you add to the list?

